When you think of Area 51..., you think of Conspiracy = 51 (Full Reduction)? NOW LET'S LOOK AT GEMATRIA CIPHER PAIRING USING SEPTENARY & CHALDEAN..., AND WHAT DO WE FIND ?????: ----> United Kingdom = 51 (Septenary) & = 51 (Chaldean), United Nations = 51 (Septenary) & = 51 (Chaldean), George Orwell = 51 (Septenary) & = 51 (Chaldean), Metatron's Cube = 51 (Septenary) & = 51 (Chaldean), Austin Powers = 51 (Septenary) & = 51 (Chaldean), Trump Towers = 51 (Septenary) & = 51 (Chaldean), Crippled America = 51 (Septenary) & = 51 (Chaldean) and Anti Masonic Party = 51 (Septenary) & = 51 (Chaldean) ||| Gematripedia, a gematria encyclopedia online wiki-site launches on the Masonic contrived Operation London Bridge scheduled for November 18th the 322 day of the year 2019. ||| U.K.'S SATANIC JUDEO-MASONIC OTHER DATES TO BE AWARE OF: AUGUST 20, 2019 is the 232 day of the year. ||| October 19, 2019 is Bridge Day & Sweetest Day ||| NOVEMBER 18, 2019 is the 322 day of the year. Coding for November 18th is Operation London Bridge !!! ||| NOVEMBER 19, 2019 is the 323 day of the year. This is the day THE PEOPLE ENDS SLAVERY & OPPRESSION ||| Through her Virginia ancestry, Queen Elizabeth II and her descendants are related to George Washington (England's Fifth Column Shitbag), with Augustine Warner Jr. and his wife Mildred Reade having been their common ancestors. ||| British and Russian royal families = 444 (KFW Kabbalah) ||| If you have the Devil's Infection aka: Rhesus Factor Antigen = 223 (English Ordinal) you're in the British Empire's Judeo-Masonic MK-Ultra Program believe it or not! It is a man made virus. ||| There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. ||| YOU have a real "ISH" PROBLEM in this Masonic oppressed SLAVE STATE. It's very sad living in a totally corrupt country surrounded by Rh+ gematria coded Masonic Apes. You satanic oath taking GMO humans need sterilized at birth or aborted. You're kiss-ass errand boys, sent by criminal grocery clerks, to collect a Masonic Monopoly Mafia shakedown bill. These Masonic sellouts CAN and WILL BE FOUND by looking at the subject's gematria coded birth name: GIVEN NAME + SURNAME that equal: 33, 39, 47, 74, 93 & more. (in Septenary, Chaldean, English Ordinal, Full Reduction, Satanic & others) and indicates born to be Masonic Soldiers having positive Rhesus Factor monkey antigen (protein) on their red blood cells. ||| Run the gematria on ANYONE working for any government agency and just watch all the RETURN hits..., or run the names of people flying the United States flag at their homes (these are the ones FEEDING off this corrupt system). NOTE: Use ALL the gematria ciphers! ||| [TIP OF THE WEEK] LISTEN FOR MASONIC BROTHERS SPEAK USING THESE WORDS & PHRASES: Bro = 33 (Jewish Ordinal), What are the odds? = 147 (ALW & KFW Kabbalah), Sweet Lady = 33 (Full Reduction), Epic = 33 (English Ordinal), At any rate = 33 (Full Reduction), Do you see what I mean? = 223 (ALW Kabbalah), A Great Time To Be Alive = 323 (Reverse Ordinal) & If you will = 666 (Reverse Sumerian)


Is Human Cloning Science or Science Fiction? CloneGate = 33 (Septenary)

Is Human Cloning Science or Science Fiction? #CloneGate Examined
Clone Gate = 33 (Septenary)

Human cloning

Human cloning is the creation of a genetically identical copy (or clone) of a human. The term is generally used to refer to artificial human cloning, which is the reproduction of human cells and tissue. It does not refer to the natural conception and delivery of identical twins. The possibility of human cloning has raised controversies.

Two commonly discussed types of theoretical human cloning are: therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning. Therapeutic cloning would involve cloning cells from a human for use in medicine and transplants, and is an active area of research, but is not in medical practice anywhere in the world, as of April 2017. Two common methods of therapeutic cloning that are being researched are somatic-cell nuclear transfer and, more recently, pluripotent stem cell induction. Reproductive cloning would involve making an entire cloned human, instead of just specific cells or tissues.

What humans can be cloned?
Rh positive = 1111 (Jewish)

The proteins which carry the Rh antigens are transmembrane proteins, whose structure suggest that they are ion channels. The main antigens are D, C, E, c and e, which are encoded by two adjacent gene loci, the RHD gene which encodes the RhD protein with the D antigen (and variants) and the RHCE gene which encodes the RhCE protein with the C, E, c and e antigens (and variants). There is no d antigen. Lowercase "d" indicates the absence of the D antigen (the gene is usually deleted or otherwise nonfunctional).

Rh phenotypes are readily identified through the presence or absence of the Rh surface antigens. As can be seen in the table below, most of the Rh phenotypes can be produced by several different Rh genotypes. The exact genotype of any individual can only be identified by DNA analysis. Regarding patient treatment, only the phenotype is usually of any clinical significance to ensure a patient is not exposed to an antigen they are likely to develop antibodies against. A probable genotype may be speculated on, based on the statistical distributions of genotypes in the patient’s place of origin.

R0 (cDe or Dce) is today most common in Africa. The allele was thus often assumed in early blood group analyses to have been typical of populations on the continent; particularly in areas below the Sahara. Given the presence of high R0 percentages among Sephardim and Ashkenazim Jews compared to native European populations and the relative genetic isolation of Ashkenazim, Ottensooser et al. (1963) therefore suggested that high R0 frequencies were likely characteristic of the ancient Judea Jews, who had emigrated from Egypt prior to their dispersal throughout the Mediterranean Basin and Europe. However, more recent studies have found R0 frequencies as low as 24.3% among some Afroasiatic-speaking groups in the Horn of Africa, as well as higher R0 frequencies among certain other Afroasiatic speakers in North Africa (37.3%) and among some Palestinians in the Levant (30.4%).



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