When you think of Area 51..., you think of Conspiracy = 51 (Full Reduction)? NOW LET'S LOOK AT GEMATRIA CIPHER PAIRING USING SEPTENARY & CHALDEAN..., AND WHAT DO WE FIND ?????: ----> United Kingdom = 51 (Septenary) & = 51 (Chaldean), United Nations = 51 (Septenary) & = 51 (Chaldean), George Orwell = 51 (Septenary) & = 51 (Chaldean), Metatron's Cube = 51 (Septenary) & = 51 (Chaldean), Austin Powers = 51 (Septenary) & = 51 (Chaldean), Trump Towers = 51 (Septenary) & = 51 (Chaldean), Crippled America = 51 (Septenary) & = 51 (Chaldean) and Anti Masonic Party = 51 (Septenary) & = 51 (Chaldean) ||| Gematripedia, a gematria encyclopedia online wiki-site launches on the Masonic contrived Operation London Bridge scheduled for November 18th the 322 day of the year 2019. ||| U.K.'S SATANIC JUDEO-MASONIC OTHER DATES TO BE AWARE OF: AUGUST 20, 2019 is the 232 day of the year. ||| October 19, 2019 is Bridge Day & Sweetest Day ||| NOVEMBER 18, 2019 is the 322 day of the year. Coding for November 18th is Operation London Bridge !!! ||| NOVEMBER 19, 2019 is the 323 day of the year. This is the day THE PEOPLE ENDS SLAVERY & OPPRESSION ||| Through her Virginia ancestry, Queen Elizabeth II and her descendants are related to George Washington (England's Fifth Column Shitbag), with Augustine Warner Jr. and his wife Mildred Reade having been their common ancestors. ||| British and Russian royal families = 444 (KFW Kabbalah) ||| If you have the Devil's Infection aka: Rhesus Factor Antigen = 223 (English Ordinal) you're in the British Empire's Judeo-Masonic MK-Ultra Program believe it or not! It is a man made virus. ||| There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. ||| YOU have a real "ISH" PROBLEM in this Masonic oppressed SLAVE STATE. It's very sad living in a totally corrupt country surrounded by Rh+ gematria coded Masonic Apes. You satanic oath taking GMO humans need sterilized at birth or aborted. You're kiss-ass errand boys, sent by criminal grocery clerks, to collect a Masonic Monopoly Mafia shakedown bill. These Masonic sellouts CAN and WILL BE FOUND by looking at the subject's gematria coded birth name: GIVEN NAME + SURNAME that equal: 33, 39, 47, 74, 93 & more. (in Septenary, Chaldean, English Ordinal, Full Reduction, Satanic & others) and indicates born to be Masonic Soldiers having positive Rhesus Factor monkey antigen (protein) on their red blood cells. ||| Run the gematria on ANYONE working for any government agency and just watch all the RETURN hits..., or run the names of people flying the United States flag at their homes (these are the ones FEEDING off this corrupt system). NOTE: Use ALL the gematria ciphers! ||| [TIP OF THE WEEK] LISTEN FOR MASONIC BROTHERS SPEAK USING THESE WORDS & PHRASES: Bro = 33 (Jewish Ordinal), What are the odds? = 147 (ALW & KFW Kabbalah), Sweet Lady = 33 (Full Reduction), Epic = 33 (English Ordinal), At any rate = 33 (Full Reduction), Do you see what I mean? = 223 (ALW Kabbalah), A Great Time To Be Alive = 323 (Reverse Ordinal) & If you will = 666 (Reverse Sumerian)


A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon (2001)

Running time: 47 minutes (LOL)
A Funny Thing Happened 
on the Way to the Moon 
by Bart Sibrel 
Visit his website at:

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon is a 2001 film written, produced and directed by Nashville-based filmmaker Bart Sibrel. Sibrel is a critic of the Apollo program and proponent of the conspiracy that the six Apollo Moon landing missions between 1969 and 1972 were elaborate hoaxes perpetrated by the United States government, including NASA.

Sibrel presents assertions of an alleged hoax, including: supposed photographic anomalies; disasters such as the destruction of Apollo 1 in which crew members Roger B. Chaffee, Gus Grissom and Ed White died; technical difficulties experienced in the 1950s and 1960s; and the problems of traversing the Van Allen radiation belts. Sibrel proposes that the most condemning evidence is a piece of footage that was inadvertently sent to him by NASA when requesting photographs and video of the Apollo 11 mission. Sibrel believes that the footage shows Apollo astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins attempting to create the illusion that they were 130,000 miles (210,000 km) from Earth (or roughly halfway to the Moon) when, he claims, they were only in a low Earth orbit. Sibrel views this clip as "smoking gun" proof that the Moon landings were staged.

The film's name was taken from the title of the book A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon by Bob Ward, a 1969 book of humorous anecdotes by people involved in the space program.[citation needed] The film is narrated by British stage actress Anne Tonelson. Bart Sibrel himself makes no appearance in the film. However, he does appear prominently in the similarly toned 2001 Fox television network special, Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon? ANSWER: FUCK NO..., are you stupid or just part of this MASONIC CRIMINAL NETWORK? With computer technology of July 20, 1969?


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