Federal Reserve System
(neither Federal or has any reserves)
Bill Still describes his views on how to Fix The Economy. It involves taking powers away from the the Federal Reserve (neither Federal or has any reserves) and eventually eliminating this private bank masquerading as a Government Agency.
Federal Reserve System = 322 (Francis Bacon)
Judaism = 322 (Satanic)
This is Judo-Masonic Usury carried-out by an underground Jewish Mafia...
Bank = 322 (Squares)
Bank = 322 (Squares)
Federal Reserve System = 322
✡ Judaism = 322 (Satanic)✡ Federal Reserve System = 322 (Francis Bacon)
✡ Shakedown Monopoly = 47 (Septenary)
✡ franchise = 47 (Full Reduction) & 33 (Chaldean)
Every COUNTY is their shakedown franchise the Jewish Synagogue called: ✡ County Building = 51 (Caldean) & 666 (Satanic) and EVERY city has a micro synagogue called the ✡ Masonic Lodge = 232 (Franc Baconis) & 111 (Jewish Ordinal).
232 just like...
• The District of Columbia = 232 (English Ordinal)
• Central Banking System = 232 (English Ordinal)
DOUBLE GEMATRIA >> Think that's common? It's not.• United Kingdom = 51 (Septenary) & 51 (Chaldean)
• United Nations = 51 (Septenary) & 51 (Chaldean)• Bank of England = 51 (Chaldean)
• Bank of England just celebrated it's 323rd year anniversary of operation on July 27, 2018.
• Just so happens that Enslave = 323 (Satanic).
NOTE: Yes, last year it was their 322nd year of operation, like Yale's Skull & Bones' number.
Do you know the word 'riddle' has a triple gematria of 74?• riddle = 74 (ALW Kabbalah)• riddle = 74 (KFW Kabbalah)• riddle = 74 (LCH Kabbalah)
Are you starting to see (((their))) fetish for the Batman and villains theme in (((their))) bullshit false flag events?
This is definitely a Judeo-Masonic confirmed conspiracy...
• confirmed = 51 (Full Reduction)
• conspiracy = 51 (Full Reduction)
• Judeo-Masonic = 47 (Chaldean)
✡ And that my friends..., is What 47 is!
These are the same criminals that control the Gold, Oil & Drugs (G.O.D.), and because they believe they're Gods..., they get away with murder in the name of ritual sacrifice (or systematic) Population Control = 223 (Reverse Ordinal).
• GOATRAZE = 93 (English Ordinal)• HUNTING = 93 (English Ordinal) & 33 (Septenary)
• Karma = 44 (English Ordinal)
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