The 9/11 Great Circle:
Esoteric Landmarks of Peace, Egypt
and the World War Headquarters
Esoteric Landmarks of Peace, Egypt
and the World War Headquarters
PeaceGardenSecrets Published on Aug 9, 2012
The Palace of Peace and Reconciliation in Astana Kazakhstan (aka the Peace Pyramid) and the International Peace Garden align to form a great circle around the Earth. The two landmarks and the edges of continents along this Great Circle divide it into 6 sections of 8880km, 4444km, 8765km, 4444km, 9999km, and 3456km. These remarkable distances encode the numbers 9, 11, & 8 and link back to Washington, DC where a similar encoding results from the crash of Flight 77 into the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001.
Hard to put into words and quite incredible really.
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